why choose us
In addition to new custom home architecture and construction, we are THE renovation experts in the greater Fort Lauderdale area. We utilize products, methods, and construction techniques purpose selected, specifically for YOUR project. Our completed work complements your home and enhances your lifestyle.
We are custom builders directed by a Registered Architect. Our projects are our calling card. We sign our names to our projects with our skill set every day. Our architecture and general contracting work respects the existing construction and appears on completion to have been conceived and constructed as a whole. We deliver Award-Winning quality, on time and on budget with no surprises.
We have over 30 years experience designing, renovating and building new custom homes and light commercial buildings in Coastal South Florida. We didn’t just move here from “Up North”. We grew up here, have our own families here, are rooted in this community and will be here long into the future. As Bob Dylan would put it: We “ain’t goin’ nowhere”.
We play well with others: our clients, designers, subcontractors and even the building officials. We are team of All Stars playing together season after season. Our staff and subcontractors have worked on renovations together for years, genuinely like one another, and enjoy working together to build exceptional projects for our clients.
We are responsive and responsible. Most days things go according to plan, when they don’t, we respond and resolve quickly and effectively. Challenges are where we really shine.
Our projects are our reputation. We are very proud of them. They speak for themselves. They represent us into perpetuity. Visit them here, online, or call us arrange to visit them in person.
We are guided by three sets of principles: one pertaining to ethics, the others to architecture and construction procedures and techniques. All are spelled out in detail in Cowboy Ethics by James P. Owen and On Time on Budget by John Rusk.